The Eldest Son

September 25, 2022 00:10:42
The Eldest Son
Grief's Gift
The Eldest Son

Sep 25 2022 | 00:10:42


Show Notes

Life can drag you into tomorrow. BUT if you are willing to let go, and let  Life  guide you, it will open the door to in a world, more wonderful than you ever imagined.

When I met Makaya Revell he was a very young and traumatised young man who was so anxious about his safety that he slept every night sitting up in a chair. Over the years his story has been told many times, but I never tire of hearing it. Makaya is the epitome of determination and he is an inspiration to so many people. This is a short story I wrote after our first meeting over 15 years ago.

Sound Production by Dan Nave, Executive Director of The Lab Studios,  whose

ongoing generosity continues to make these podcasts possible.

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